How to tie ichijudaiko

How to tie ichijudaiko

The next step is tying nagoya obi into ichijudaiko. Ichuju literally means one layer and daiko means a drum. Daiko is usually pronounced  taiko in one word. Ichijudaiko looks like a drum or drum-shaped bridge in a Japanese garden. This is the most basic way of 

How to tie tsunodashi

How to tie tsunodashi

The next step is tying obi. This time I’m going to show you how to tie tsunodashi without obimakura, a pad for obi. It is very casual and relatively easy to tie. You can do it!

How to put on kimono part 2 : from making ohashori to putting on datejime

How to put on kimono part 2 : from making ohashori to putting on datejime

The next step is how to make ohashori. Don’t forget to straighten the grain lines. Practicing step by step and checking one by one are important for beginners. So, let’s Enjoy kimono!

How to put on kimono part1 : from putting on kimono to tying koshihimo

How to put on kimono part1 : from putting on kimono to tying koshihimo

Enjoy wearing kimono as one of the fashionable outfits! In casual situations, you can dress up as you like because of a wide variety of colors and textiles. Of course, the traditional way of wearing is good, but it’s also good to coordinate with Western clothing accessories 

Preparation for kimono lessons

Preparation for kimono lessons

Select your favorite kimono and obi,  and prepare all items. When you begin kitsuke or putting on kimono, the first thing you have to do is preparation. It is very important because you need many kitsuke komono accessories. Stack up kimono, obi and accessories in order, and